5/13/2023 - Mobile Task Force Deployment - Operation "Red Salvation" - Written by 'Twin'


New member
May 4, 2024
Level 3/4/5 Clearance Required
Assigned Site-73 Nu-7 Operatives Authorized Visual
Mobile Task Force Database
Mobile Task Force: Nu-7 'Hammer Down'
Forwarded: Mobile Task Force: Beta-7 'Maz Hatters'
Incident Report: "Mobile Task Force Deployment - Operation: 'Red Salvation' - 5/13/2023"
Beginning Log:

"Alright, a new day and a new report.

Mobile Task Force Nu-7 of Site-73 were contacted by Beta-7 requesting our assistance for a mission. Beta-7 arrived through a helicopter and informed us that another Beta-7 detachment had been transporting SCP-610. During the transportation, they were attacked I believe? I can't remember. Anyways, Nu-7 were provided hazmat suits by Beta-7 before entering their helicopter to get transported to the location. Upon arriving, we split up into two teams of Nu-7. As we advanced forward, we found the vehicle that was being utilized by Beta-7 to transport SCP-610.

We had immediately set up a perimeter but we attacked by creations of SCP-610. The body cam and photos taken during the battle were destroyed while disinfecting of SCP-610. Though, we were able to gather data and take pictures of some dead SCP-610s.
Honestly, there is not much for this report to really write. We did take injuries but nothing severe. Here are some photos taken during the situation. This concludes the report for now."