5/12/2023 - Mobile Task Force Deployment - Operation "Open House" - Written By 'Twin'


New member
May 4, 2024
Level 3/4/5 Clearance Required
Assigned Site-73 Nu-7 Operatives Authorized Visual
Mobile Task Force Database
Mobile Task Force: Nu-7 'Hammer Down'
Forwarded: IA Detective 'Tsukuyomi | MD SFC Layla Raven | Agent 'Atoms'
Incident Report: "Mobile Task Force Deployment - Operation: 'Open House' - 5/12/2023"
Beginning Log:

"Alright, a new day and a new report.

This one was rather simple, a lot of shooting and finally we got to leave the base. An individual named Agent 'Atoms', I assume well known by Centurion, assigned us a deployment mission. I can't recall what he briefed us about, but shortly afterwards we got into a truck and unbeknownst to us we also took a Insurgent Scout with us. Though, that scout tripped over himself and got shot by us all. Anyways, the team of units were Captain 'Centurion', 1st Lieutenant 'Remnant', 2nd Lieutenant 'Spades', Sergeant Major 'Tabby', Sergeant First Class Qrow, Staff Sergeant Shen, Medical Sergeant First Class Layla, Internal Affairs Agent 'Tsukuyomi' and later Lance Corporal John Deluxy woke up from his nap in the truck and joined us.

After some time, we noticed a portable potty was blocking an entrance that we needed to enter. Remnant, Shen and I moved it out of the way, exposing a stairway to a railroad. The Mobile Task Force team entered the railroad area, the area was abandoned there was nothing to see around the area. Just empty walking paths. Anyways, as we continued through the area we entered sewers for a few minutes before ultimately finding a hidden area. This hidden area was a bunker instantly revealed to be filled with contacts. There was an empty area we were able to fortify in before we advanced further into the bunker.

As we entered the area, we were quickly engaged by a large amount of contacts... when I say large amount, I mean large amount. Thankfully, Nu-7 were able to do what they do best and completely wipe cowards from the earth.

Eventually, the area was cleared and the Mobile Task Force team was able to ransack the area to look for documents or otherwise. After we did so, we returned back towards the surface area of our mission deployment zone and acquired some Nu-7 issue rocket launchers to destroy the bunker. I cannot recall fully what we acquired but I believe we provided all the items to Agent 'Atoms' before we left.

Prior to using the explosives, I did take some pictures of the area so I could document what the area we entered looked like. The images are provided below.

That's what most of the area looked like, anyways. That practically concludes the report. This incident report will be only authorized visual by Level 4+ personnel, Mobile Task Force Nu-7 Operatives, the personnel deployed with Nu-7 and Agent 'Atoms'. If there are any questions, please email me and I'll answer to the best of my knowledge. That's all."