5/10/2023 - Foundation Facility Attack - Sarkic Invasion - Written By 'Twin'


New member
May 4, 2024
Level 3/4/5 Clearance Required
Assigned Site-73 Mobile Task Forces Authorized Visual
Mobile Task Force Database
Mobile Task Force: Nu-7 'Hammer Down'
Forwarded: Mobile Task Forces: Epsilon-11 & Xi-8
Incident Report: "Foundation Facility Attack - Sarkic Invasion - 5/10/2023"
Beginning Log:

"Alright, heres the report asked by Centurion...

Sometime on 5/10, Nu-7 were enjoying their time... lack of Insurgent presence led us to relax within Foundation. A few minutes into our relaxation, a blue orb appeared. As instructed in the past, we alerted Xi-8 and requested their presence. Upon Xi-8 arrival, the orb dispersed some gas that had some form of stars within it. The gas seemed similar to what an image of a galaxy would appear as, filled with countless colors and had some sort of random magic look to it, unable to aquire an image for it. Eventually, the orb began to drift into the facility at which point it halted inside Upper EZ Lobby. After a while of interacting with it, Sergeant Major Tabby was able to jesture towards the orb and motivate it towards research bay. There is a large gap of information I was present for due to my self re-assignment to recontain SCP-049 after it had breached to surface and SCP-082. After a while, it was relayed that the orb re-directed towards D-Block eventually disappearing and opening, what is believed to be, tears in reality within Entrance Zone Cafeteria, D-Block and Research Bay. I moved towards Entrance Zone Cafeteria before re-assigning myself and Private Silent Guard to move with me to Research Bay. Upon our arrival to research bay, an alarm went off stating Sarkic figures were present and to terminate.

We were able to do so, I utilized grenades to terminate large quantities of the figures before it finally stopped. After the site was clear of the figures, a rift opened within Research Bay, it was a large orange rift before transitioning into a large blue rift. After some time, a man appeared floating above the rift. I was later informed he went by Ambassador.

Audio Log:
"I wanted to congratulate you on stopping my whole sarkic attack to say the very least, disgusting name you label us with. However I am here to leave you with a precious reward for your futile efforts. Its a shame that you, killed Tony Dorado. He was such a good lad. Oh yes, maniuplation at its finest. No worries, sooner or later you will all be joining us. Well, I will see you all later. Like I said, enjoy your little gift. Its a present from the sarkic cult themselves."

The man then vanished and the rift closed. After the rift closed, a old clock appeared in place of the rift. It ticked and eventually began to speak.

Audio Log:
(In a very raspy voice)
"I am what remains of my -INAUDIBLE-. Call me, The Black Rabbit and this is my -INAUDIBLE-. *A groan and growl are heard coming from the clock*
Xi-8 Captain: "What do you want?"
"I do not answer to... -INAUDIBLE-. Only to -INAUDIBLE-"
-A brief pause in the audio-
"-INAUDIBLE- I have to escape through a specific directive"
Researcher: "What is that specific directive?"
-Audio log is cut short-

Afterwards, the clock discontinued from making any noise. I am unsure of where the clock was moved as I directed Nu-7 to prevent SCP-066 from interfering from the current situation. There's not really to much to say about this situation, there was a ton of sarkic presence around the facility. Afterwards, normal duties resumed."