049 Pestilence and 035 friendship


SCP-RP Administration
SCP-RP Administration
Senior Infrastructure Staff
Community Advocate
May 4, 2024
Standard Testing Log Format

049 Pestilence and 035 friendship

Conducted by Dr. Yui Me




Test Idea: Understand 049s goals and how they include 035

Hypothesis: We could understand more on how 049 interacts with 035. We also could learn more about the pestilence

Personnel / Equipment Involved: 4 NTF 2 gensec

Results: After beginning the interview we questioned 049 on his friendship with 035 and how 035 has a part to play. After asking this question the doctor asked if I was asking if 035 had the pestilence and I replied no. I responding asking how 035 is apart of the plan to help seek the pestilence and the doctor said he isn't. After asking if 049 felt that 035 was manipulating him as a pawn, 049 simply stated that 035 should be thankful for him because he has saved him many times so that he can obtain his goal. After asking about the pestilence and the symptoms, 049 said it only affects the person mentally rather than physically as he stated it makes the person distressed and uneasy. I then asked when he started seeing the pestilence and he said around 1800 which I inquired more on why he began his dedication to it. He responded with that nobody else was paying attention to it so I did. I asked 049 then on if he felt his cure was the most safest and very effective as the people he cured tended to die, 049 said he felt his cure didn't need much change as he believes it is the most effective. I asked for a summary on how he cured the person and he said he remodeled the diseased organs so that they could fight off the pestilence. That was the end of the interview as we didn't want to take too much of his time.

Images / Videos (Encouraged But Optional):

Additional Comments If Needed: None


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