Search results

  1. toasttoastman

    toast Deathcard application

    Name: toasttoastman Steam Name: toasttoastman Steamid: STEAM_0:1:96890533 Imgur Link:
  2. toasttoastman

    'Scorch' Personnel file

    +edited likes/dislikes and what not so there can be more room for them
  3. toasttoastman

    Chat tag change

    is it possible to make the text flashing?
  4. toasttoastman

    Chat tag change

    Name: toasttoastman SteamID: STEAM_0:1:96890533 Current Chat Tag: :danceydance: Shmungo :danceydance Requested Chat Tag: toast :blueshock: Requested Chat Tag Color(s): #263296
  5. toasttoastman

    'Scorch' Personnel file

    Pretty trash DCB, I'll probably remake it at some point
  6. toasttoastman

    toasttoastman chat tag application

    Name: toasttoastman | 'Scorch' | Aaron Shmunguss SteamID: STEAM_0:1:96890533 Requested Chat Tag: :danceydance: Shmungo :danceydance: Requested Chat Tag Color(s): Rainbow Proof of Purchase:
  7. toasttoastman

    toasttoastman EC Application

    What is your name? toasttoastman What character(s) do you play? NTF FS 'Scorch', CI INT Aaron Shmunguss What is your SteamID? STEAM_0:1:96890533 What is your timezone? MST Are you 14 years of age or older Yes Current play time on the server? (You must have a minimum of 5 Days on...
  8. toasttoastman

    'Scorch' Personnel file

    >Accessing Foundation "Level 3" database... >Searching for personnel file on 'Scorch'... >Error... Please scan at least a Level 3 Clearance ID... >ID Accepted... >Personnel file obtained... [ACCESS FILE]