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  1. Troy

    XI-8 'Cosmo' DCB

  2. Troy

    XI-8 'Cosmo' DCB

  3. Troy

    [NU-7] Investigation/Punishment Log Format

    Agent Name & Rank: Potential Suspect Name & Rank: Crime(s) Committed: Evidence: Punishment Given: Approved by:
  4. Troy

    [NU-7] Intelligence Log Format

    Agent Name & Rank: Interrogatee Name & Rank: Summary of Information gathered: Body Cam Footage/Audio Log (Not Required): Result of the Capture:
  5. Troy


  6. Troy

    Incident Report Format [Infraction Report]

    <LEVEL #> Clearance Required to view this file. Infraction Report Q: Reporting personnel rank and name? A: Q: Date of incident? A: Q: Name, rank and branch of the individual receiving the infraction. A: Q: List all offences committed. A: Q: Give a detailed summary of the...
  7. Troy

    Incident Report Format [Workplace Injuries]

    <LEVEL #> Clearance Required to view this file. Workplace Injuries Report Name of the personal Reporting the Injury. Name: Rank/Branch: Name and Branch of the person who is Injured. [OPTIONAL Fill out if you aren't the one Injured.] Name: Rank/Branch: Detailed Report on Injury/Does it...
  8. Troy

    Site-66 General Maintenance Log 17&18/3

    Log 17/3 LCZ Electrical room Foundation console issued an error to site technicians. Foundation Technician deployed to Light containment zone Console is located, visible damage is seen Damage assessment: Lever status: Critically damaged Note: Lever is seen visibly hanging away from the...
  9. Troy

    Solitary Confinement Format

    Solitary Confinement Record [Month/Day/Year] [Your Name] [Rank] - [Name Of Individual Who Was Place In Solitary] [D-Class #' Or Foundation Personnel's Rank And Branch] [Reason:] [Evidence: If You Wish To Provide It] [Length Of Punishment] [Any Witnesses ]
  10. Troy

    Mission report

    This report was not done by me and in no way do I take any credit for what is said below, the creator of these words were from GENSEC SOM 'Pan'. This report was briefing on a raid and how it could have improved. And what went wrong, this is for learning use only...
  11. Troy

    Roberto's Wellness Check on 'Wrath'

    Clearance Level 2 is required to view this document This checkup was carried out by: Worker Roberto Nightsworth Q1:On a scale of 1-10. How have you been treated today? A1: “7” Q2: What food has been made and did you like it? A2: Has not eaten for the past 2 months! Forward to Site Command Q3...
  12. Troy


    [CLEARANCE LEVEL 2] SUBMITTER: GENSEC LCPL Nikolas Raynard STANDBY..... FILE SUBMITTED TO NETWORK SUBMITTED 3/4/2023 Note: I spent 10 years under uncle sam getting paid to be belligerent and paranoid, I gotta put it to use. GOAL OUTLINE Ascertain any potential security gaps in the medical sector...
  13. Troy

    NU-7 'Garm' DCB

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  14. Troy

    NU-7 'Pegasus'

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