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  1. Mythic

    "Medusa" DCB

    // Update for the new unit
  2. Mythic

    "Medusa" DCB

    // Added a big fuck off OOC section into the forums side of it and added a PDA to the document for things like data logs and opinions
  3. Mythic

    "Medusa" DCB

    // update for new position and clearances (on the right DCB this time 💀)
  4. Mythic

    "Medusa" DCB

    KEI-OS LOADING... ... LOGIN REQUIRED... ... <VANGUARD> Clearance Detected FILE Database/Personnel/Vanguard/Logan_Walker ACCESSED OPENING... ======================== OOC Section ======================== I feel like talking about my character so I'm going to infodump on the forums. Anyways, I...
  5. Mythic

    Clone wars EC APP

    DENIED After further review we have decided to deny this application. Thank you for your interest and you may reapply again in a week if you so choose.
  6. Mythic

    blobs EC app

    ACCEPTED Welcome to the EC Team! Go ahead and request your tags and we'll get you all set up. (Sorry about the late response 💀)
  7. Mythic

    Clone wars EC APP

    ON HOLD Currently on hold while we discuss this application further, you can expect a response in a day or so.
  8. Mythic

    Adrian Everest DCB

    KEI-OS LOADING... ... LOGIN REQUIRED... ... <FOXTROT> Clearance Detected FILE Database/Personnel/Foxtrot/Adrian_Everest ACCESSED OPENING...