Search results

  1. Rockwell

    Site Director: Tobias 'Tabby' Felix Katis [REDACTED]

    Name: Tobias Felix Katis Callsign: ‘Tabby’ Age: 29 Sex: Male ID: Site Command Clearance Level: [REDACTED] Rank: Site Director Previous Assignments: Site-73 - Yukon, Canada Assignment: Site-66 - Twin Pines, Alaska Status: ACTIVE WELCOME BLACK CAT [OPEN FILE]
  2. Rockwell

    chat tag!

    APPROVED I can do this for you as soon as I get on the server today. Additionally, thank you for supporting the server and purchasing Tier 4.
  3. Rockwell

    toasttoastman chat tag application

    ACCEPTED I have zero clue what a schmungo is, but thank you for supporting the server. Your chat tag has been updated in-game.
  4. Rockwell

    Michael A. Chat Tag Application

    ACCEPTED Thank you for supporting the server! Your chat tag has been updated in game.