Tryone EC Application

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New member
May 24, 2024
What is your name?

What character(s) do you play?

NTF CFS "Regiment"

What is your SteamID?

What is your timezone?


Are you 14 years of age or older

Older [15]

Current play time on the server? (You must have a minimum of 5 Days on the server)
3months 4d's 5h

EC Based Questions

Why do you want to join the EC team? (200 word minimum)

I can contribute a friendly personality, good work ethic, and overall great attitude along with an extensive knowledge of the S.C.P lore. I would balance my positions by communicating clearly with my peers on the staff team whenever I'm working events, along with this I would also go off-duty when hosting events so the other staff know I am unavailable. I am prepared to handle the extra stress of being on both the staff and event teams. For me, I believe that it's to be making entertaining while also roleplaying events, sometimes telling a story, and to hear ideas of people who aren't GM wanting their idea to be an event and potentially doing it, of course so long as it's allowed and isn't too non lore friendly/sense from Half Life lore or at least Zenith Project's lore of S.C.P. I want to retry my chances that I took while I was a EC, I did make some mistake and that's how you fixed them and while I was playing on my normal job people kept asking me what happened to your EC job and some people really love my events I do and I wanted to bring that back to the server for the people that want to keep going on with the lore with the events that I'm doing.

Why should we accept you in the EC team?

I can assist with events and their ideas but also make my own sometimes improved or unique events, more passive roleplay and Citizen events with major RP elements and occasional PvE or PvP. I also have tons of ideas and creativity when it comes to storytelling and storylines.

On a scale of 1-10, how well do you know the Gmod tools?

What is the purpose of the EC Team?

The duty of being a gamemaster means be an active person and make fun events for players to enjoy every weekend or so, to only use our power for events and nothing else. And to put very hard work into the events we are making so its enjoyable for players, make the community have as much fun as they possibly can while playing on the server. can make story type events and to make sure everyone has a fun environment to play in.

If accepted into the EC team, do you have any event ideas that you would like to host?

"The Nightmare Zone"

Foundation will be dispatched to a detected zone with hume irregularities leading into a large forest, as they walk towards the area you can visibly see the trees of the effected area thicken and grow three times in size and a dark aura around the area. As they approach the patch of forest a thin kind of bubble wraps it where they can easily enter but soon learn they cannot leave so easily. Inside of this forest its pitch black with tall trees and no sight of wildlife. They decide to hike through the forest with nothing but their flashlights to guide them. After walking they approach a mansion that looks run down, the feeling of impending doom intensifies as they get closer and they decide to break into the mansion. As they enter they soon realize that the inside is non Euclidean, expanding in directions that isn't possible and looping in on itself causing the forces to be easily disoriented. Then suddently instances described as similar to SCP-280 attack, once defeating the instances they continue on and find a room with blood smeared on the wall displaying several messages as the blood seems to move on its own to create new messages. These messages would tell them how to escape. After moving through the mansion they discover a big library which has an opening in the center where a black sphere is floating in the center and a group of 100 cultists in robes sit without moving or making a sound in the middle. Eventually the orb splits into two and ejects a small mass from within it then closes again. This mass turns into an instance of SCP-6068 slightly altered. The reality bending effects of the area causes altered versions of anomalies to appear. This SCP-6068 has control over all of the 100 cultists and takes control of anyone who touches it. These cultists all run towards the center of 6068 merging with the entity creating a new entity. A large floating cultist robe with pure dark energy inside it in a humanoid shape. This entity can summon SCP-280 entities at will to attack the foundation Operatives and is observed to teleport and vanish for short periods of time. For the instance to be defeated they must either

A, successfully plant a SRA (Scranton Reality Anchor) near the Dark Orb. (It would need a successful roll and need time to plant) Then they would be able to escape and contain the dark orb for study.

EC Rules

Do you understand that your event ideas may be denied by SEC's and LEC's, even if it was previously accepted?

Do you understand that abusing your EC abilities will result in removal from the EC, and may result in a ban?

Do you understand that if you are caught using blacklisted props or models, you will receive a punishment?


Do you have a mic?


Do you have TS3?


Do you have a Discord account?


EC meetings will be held weekly on Saturday at 3:30 PM EST, will you be able to attend these meetings?


Do you understand that your steam name will be required to be changed to [ZP] [NAME] [TEC]?
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[Welcome to the team! Make sure you get your TEC tags]
[DM @ratba_tard for more information.]
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