TIU Application Format
What is your username?
Doggo Doge
What character(s) do you play?
What is your SteamID? (i.e.: STEAM_0:0:115561971)
What is your Discord username and Identifier? (i.e.: Innocent Traitor#3992)
(they got rid of identifiers)
What is your current playtime on the server?
Half an hour or so
Do you have any warnings or bans?
Have you ever been previously removed or blacklisted from this job?
Job-Related Questions
Have you made a DCB? If so, please link
TIU - Agent Comox
. . . [Logging In] . . . . . . [Validating TIU Clearance] . . . . . . [Validation Complete] . . . [Welcome, ████████] TWIN PINES INCIDENTS UNIT CITIZEN REPORT Primary Information [Name]: Aiden Comox [Alias]: N/A [DOB]: May 15th, 1974 [Sex]: Male [Race]: Caucasian [Languages]...
Is your character NEW? You cannot apply as foundation or a CI/Civilian combo.
Explain why you would like to be a part of the TIU. (100 words minimum)
To be honest, they're one of the more interesting factions compared to the SCPF and/or CI. Not to throw shade on them, they're the OGs and deserve some respect, but everyone knows what they are, what their deal is, and how they'll react when they have a SCP infront of them. The TIU seems more interesting by comparison, as most (if not all of them) are just normal FBI agents tasked with dealing with things beyond their comprehension and having to work within US (or I suppose in this case, Twin Pines) law to carry out activities where SCPF and CI snubs them. |
What type of RP would you be interested in facilitating?
Interacting with local civilians and carrying out the law, even if local factions thumb their noses. Really digging into the underdog feeling of having to manage the situation while people throw their weight (and resources) around. Hopefully investigating into local crimes or situations, really having to put your brain onto it. |
Are you interested in joining TRT? If so, why? [100 word minimum]
Not at the moment.
Guideline-Related Questions:
What is a roll? Give an example:
A random number within a set range to determine the outcome of RP, usually in cases where characters are in conflict or characters attempting something that has a chance of failure. |
What is a /me? Give an example:
An in-rp action the character is preforming, such as typing on a computer or saluting. /mes are most often what cause rolls to be needed. |
What is FailRP? Give an example:
Acting outside of or in direct contradiction to established RP and/or faction beliefs. Such as if I was to become a TIU agent and started shooting any civilian I come across. It is fail RP as no TIU agent would take such action without very good In RP reason. |
What is FearRP? Give an example:
Whenever a character is in mortal danger and believes acquiescing to the danger (usually multiple armed individuals) would give them the best chance of survival. |
What is Metagame? Give an example:
Utilizing information that would not be known within RP, usually information from out of character sources such as OOC discussion or players who would not be in communication in RP. |
Do you promise to act in good faith wherever applicable?: [Y/N]
Yes, of course!