Level <3> Beyond this point
Authorized Personnel only

Secure. Contain. Protect.

Name: Vincent Lockwell
Aliases: MrTherapist, Secretary, Shrink, Boyscout
Status: KIA
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 11/19/1998
Place of Birth: United States of America, Oregon
Occupation: Medical Staff, CR. Lead Psychologist. (Character's current position in the Foundation.)
Clearance Level: 2
Physical Description: 5'10, Ectomorphic Build, brown hair, piercing brown eyes.
Psychological Description: Seems to see the best in everyone, especially when he shouldn't.
Disabilities: None.
Skills/Attributes: Good at talking, except when one shouldn't be.
History: Studied medical growing up, went into the army (Fort Knox) for a short time, came out better than one would expect.
Father and Mother. Alive and well.
Level <3> Beyond this point
Authorized Personnel only
Secure. Contain. Protect.

Name: Vincent Lockwell
Aliases: MrTherapist, Secretary, Shrink, Boyscout
Status: KIA
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 11/19/1998
Place of Birth: United States of America, Oregon
Occupation: Medical Staff, CR. Lead Psychologist. (Character's current position in the Foundation.)
Clearance Level: 2
Physical Description: 5'10, Ectomorphic Build, brown hair, piercing brown eyes.
Psychological Description: Seems to see the best in everyone, especially when he shouldn't.
Disabilities: None.
Skills/Attributes: Good at talking, except when one shouldn't be.
History: Studied medical growing up, went into the army (Fort Knox) for a short time, came out better than one would expect.
Father and Mother. Alive and well.
< HATES > SCP-106 - "No, I actually think he's a chill dude." [Subject was found sweating after an SCP-106 spotting was called.] |
< NEUTRAL > Dr. Wittgenstein - "I don't know. Witt is Witt. I don't feel comfortable discussing it here." Outlaw - "I enjoyed our conversation. Next time, uh... Don't do that*. Please." Concord - "He's Mario Mario. Did you know that?" Ethos - "Stranger" - "An enigma in every single way. I hope, eventually, I can speak to you. Somehow." SCP-8011, Snow Leopard - Crux - "Hope he got my message, can't say much more on that." Robin - "A chance encounter. Your spot is lovely, do not let it ever be taken from you." |
< LIKES > Nu-7 - Ymir - Cypress - " Greenied - "Genuinely such a pleasant person to be around. Would go to the ends of the earth for this dude if he asked me to." Poppy - "You gave me information when I asked for it. Didn't try to get out of it or anything. No complaints." "You've joined the book club, and we share very similar opinions on Stranger. Glad to say I can actually genuinely have a close friend in you." Veil - "You can do it. I believe in you." SCP-8012, Gruungier - "I will never, ever forget what you told me until the day I die. And then some." Moth - Maine - "Don't wanna regret this. Really hope we get to the end of this." Orthodox - "Debatably, uh... really gets me, and I really get him. I hope. He gave me the position of Psych lead, but I know I'm going to fail to live up to what he was. I'll have to carve my own path." |
TRUSTED Xi-8 Captain Obsidian - Prometheus - "We have work to do." Pariah - "Knives drawn, pistols blazing." |
< LOVES > "My parents. May God rest their souls." (INTERVIEWER NOTE: His parents are still alive. Attempt at humor?) |
(This information may be used ICly if you are above the required clearance to view the document.)
Trophies: His journal, the ability to see Wittgenstein's journal whenever he wants, a small ice statue of SCP-8011 [
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