oatmeal the dealer type shit

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May 28, 2024
What is your username?
What character(s) do you play?
CPL Matthew Ellis
What is your SteamID? (i.e.: STEAM_0:0:115561971)
What is your Discord username and Identifier? (i.e.: Innocent Traitor#3992)
What is your current playtime on the server?
like 3 weeks
Do you have any warnings or bans?
Have you ever been previously removed or blacklisted from this job?

Job-Related Questions

Explain why you would like to be a D-Class Dealer. (100 words minimum):

Well, I like playing D-Class. Let's start off with that.

I see a lack of dealers. Very often, actually. I want to be a dealer for the RP aspect of my D-Class character, 'Heh', who is physically mute and cannot speak. He was put into prison for illegal gambling and black market illicit firearms dealing. He singlehandedly supplied a rebellion in Kosovo (I'm not joking, he is a war merchant in his lore). What better way to express my character other than doing what he did before, illegal arms dealing. This would add onto my characters lore and I also find the idea of being a dealer fun in a way. Or, even, supplementing. It would be fun to fuck around and toss CZs at people and be silly on D-Class.

TLDR, it would be a good lore enhancement to my D-Class character, and it would be silly.

What is a good reason for D-Class to shoot Foundation Personnel (no word-count requirement):

Gerald Gensec walks into D-Block as the D-Class are chilling, and shoots Danny D-Class in the face for absolutely no reason.

This is a riot reason.

Give 'em hell.

Can D-Class Dealers buy items for themselves and others?
For others, yes.
For themselves, no.

Guideline-Related Questions:

What is a roll? Give an example:

Using the D100 system as a form of chance or trying to decide something with another player.

Barry Boxing and Melvin MMA are in a fight.
Barry rolls a 23 on a left hook.
Melvin rolls a 49 on a shin kick.
Melvin lands.
Barry does not.

This is a roll.

What is a /me? Give an example:

Personal roleplay to yourself and the surrounding areas.

/me Johnny Jehovah's Witness would sniffle, as it's been getting cold lately.

What is FailRP? Give an example:

682 gets shot at by Rapid Response Team member Freddy Freak. 682 does not pay him any mind, leaving the area and not attacking Freddy. Freddy's feelings are hurt, and he has been sent into a spiral of being forgotten about.

682, however, FailRP'd.
682 would maul the SHIT out of Freddy if this happened on a normal day.
682 would be punished.

This is FailRP. This is a nono.

What is FearRP? Give an example:

Billy Badass, Tyler Toughness and Peter Perseverance are aiming their weapons at 049. 049 is outmatched in this scenario, meaning he'd have to obey them if he values his life.

This is FEARRP.

What is Metagame? Give an example:

Mikey Marinara says in OOC that he is hiding out in A1 bunks during his 049 breach, and laughs about it with other players.

Nathan Nine-Tailed sees this, and immediately responds to A1 bunks without ICly figuring this out.

This is a nono. This is metagaming. Using something obtained Out of Character and using it within in-character.

Do you promise to act in good faith wherever applicable?: [Y/N]

Please make a ticket in game to gain your whitelist!
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