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FILE Database/Personnel/Revenant/Logan_Walker ACCESSED
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I feel like talking about my character so I'm going to infodump on the forums. Anyways, I made the character to be someone who would very willingly play the role of antagonist as well as be the one to get their hands dirty. Originally the furthest I saw this character going was as a SGM max and being the Squad Lead for Gorgon. Instead he's here. The biggest catching point for the character was finding a reason for him to be the way he is, as "I was born a violent sociopath" isn't really the level of character building I try to hold myself to. Took a bit of brainstorming and a bit of harassing certain members of the staff team, but I am happy with his backstory now, though there are still more bits I'd like to flesh out. If you are someone who is looking to interact with this character I will just warn you right now that he is absolutely not someone who is willing to talk about himself at the drop of a hat or even someone who is willing to display any sign of emotion beyond what he wants others to see. He will generally be very unresponsive unless certain buttons of his are pressed.
< Character Inspirations >
While making my characters I often pull inspirations from other media, usually books, shows, or settings I particularly enjoyed and characters I find intriguing. This list is a couple of those. Looking into some of these characters may spoil pieces of Medusa's personality/story, so continue at your own discretion.
Adrius au Augustus, "The Jackal" | Red Rising Series by Pierce Brown - Red Rising is currently my favorite book series and I eagerly await the final book in the series, but one of the antagonists of the first book that caught my attention when I was brainstorming ideas for this character was The Jackal. Adrius is probably the primary inspiration for the character of Medusa, a very typical sociopath written very well, Adrius comes off as being calm and composed at every single turn, no matter his circumstances, and always seems to be the one in control of any situation he is in. Underneath the veneer, however, he is a very damaged person suffering from severe mental issues that have only been exacerbated by his childhood trauma. His motivations in Golden Son mirror those of Medusa's and it was his underlying issues and obsessions that gave me the primary inspiration for making Medusa as a character not just a two dimensional villain, but someone who was made into what he is today by circumstances both within his control and beyond it....
<REVENANT> Clearance Detected
FILE Database/Personnel/Revenant/Logan_Walker ACCESSED
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I feel like talking about my character so I'm going to infodump on the forums. Anyways, I made the character to be someone who would very willingly play the role of antagonist as well as be the one to get their hands dirty. Originally the furthest I saw this character going was as a SGM max and being the Squad Lead for Gorgon. Instead he's here. The biggest catching point for the character was finding a reason for him to be the way he is, as "I was born a violent sociopath" isn't really the level of character building I try to hold myself to. Took a bit of brainstorming and a bit of harassing certain members of the staff team, but I am happy with his backstory now, though there are still more bits I'd like to flesh out. If you are someone who is looking to interact with this character I will just warn you right now that he is absolutely not someone who is willing to talk about himself at the drop of a hat or even someone who is willing to display any sign of emotion beyond what he wants others to see. He will generally be very unresponsive unless certain buttons of his are pressed.
< Character Inspirations >
While making my characters I often pull inspirations from other media, usually books, shows, or settings I particularly enjoyed and characters I find intriguing. This list is a couple of those. Looking into some of these characters may spoil pieces of Medusa's personality/story, so continue at your own discretion.
Atlas au Raa, "Fear" | Red Rising Series by Pierce Brown - Atlas and his Legion are the biggest inspiration behind Medusa's methods and his squad, Gorgon Squad, which shares a name with Atlas's Cohors Nihil, or Zero Legion, which are colloquially known as Gorgons. Atlas's morality is also a primary inspiration for Medusa, as he is a man that not only excuses the brutality and horror of his actions but completely absolves himself of the guilt of them through his patriotism and his service. Atlas is practical before he is anything else, and while he recognizes how incorrigible he and his actions are, he would repeat them all again if given the opportunity, as he believes that what he does is the quickest and most efficient way to bring a 10 year war spanning the entire solar system to an end and restore peace and stability to the spheres for the sake of everyone living and everyone who will be born.
Tarn | Transformers MTME by IDW Publishing - Tarn is a zealot first and foremost. He begins the story fanatically believing in a single person but has his entire foundation shaken up by events within the story. Him and his unit, the Decepticon Justice Division, or DJD, act as enforcers within the Decepticons, hunting down defectors and torturing them to death in order to scare everyone else into remaining loyal. Both the purpose of his unit and his mentality towards his faction and its leader played a big part in the creation of Medusa and the developing his backstory and squad.
Konrad Kurze | Warhammer 40k from Games Workshop - The primary trait of Kurze is that he's wrong. Anyone who genuinely agrees with this character should be on a watchlist. Due to his own unique powers as well as the cruelty of his upbringing, Kurze has become so convinced that his way of doing things, that being to be so incomprehensibly violent and inhumane as a method of scaring others into line, is the ONLY way to do things, and constantly makes excuses for his own methods and mindset rather than attempting to face the fact that his brothers have figured out much healthier ways of achieving what Kurze sets out to do. One important thing to note, however, is that Kurze does NOT enjoy the torment he inflicts. It is often casted that way by others, and indeed his own legion, his own sons, end up falling to the depravity of sadism, but Kurze always sees himself as better than that, as being justified by his disgust and his goals. Medusa is not as extreme as Kurze, but the character and his Legion were an inspiration (albeit drastically tuned down), for Medusa and the Gorgons.
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