Level <3> Beyond this point
Authorized Personnel only

Secure. Contain. Protect.

Connor Lore's work ID photograph at [REDACTED] Hospital prior to being hired
Name: Connor Lore
Status: ACTIVE
Gender: Other
Date of Birth: 4/13/93
Place of Birth: United States of America, Arizona, Phoenix
Occupation: Charge Nurse, Paramedic, Psychiatrist
Physical Description: 5'7, Ectomorphic Build, Blue Eyes, Brown Hair
Psychological Description: Tends to back away from conflict, low self confidence, a problem solver
Disabilities: None
Skills/Attributes: Good at medicine (perhaps that is why he is a medic), Can lick their elbow, Great with animals
History: Was a Boy Scout as he grew up, eventually becoming an Eagle Scout. Studied Nursing in College where he became a nurse practioner. Both Connor Lore and his brother married Foundation employees, causing them both to be eventually recruited.
Amy Lore - Wife
Mike Lore - Older Brother
Jessica Meyn Lore - Mother
Bradley Lore - Father
Level <3> Beyond this point
Authorized Personnel only
Secure. Contain. Protect.

Connor Lore's work ID photograph at [REDACTED] Hospital prior to being hired
Name: Connor Lore
Status: ACTIVE
Gender: Other
Date of Birth: 4/13/93
Place of Birth: United States of America, Arizona, Phoenix
Occupation: Charge Nurse, Paramedic, Psychiatrist
Physical Description: 5'7, Ectomorphic Build, Blue Eyes, Brown Hair
Psychological Description: Tends to back away from conflict, low self confidence, a problem solver
Disabilities: None
Skills/Attributes: Good at medicine (perhaps that is why he is a medic), Can lick their elbow, Great with animals
History: Was a Boy Scout as he grew up, eventually becoming an Eagle Scout. Studied Nursing in College where he became a nurse practioner. Both Connor Lore and his brother married Foundation employees, causing them both to be eventually recruited.
Amy Lore - Wife
Mike Lore - Older Brother
Jessica Meyn Lore - Mother
Bradley Lore - Father
< HATES > 106 - I never want to have an encounter with this anomaly. Those who do are bound to have mental trouble. Random Anomalies in Medbay - It just keeps happening. They keep appearing here and it causes too much chaos. Sarkics - Generic evil flesh cultist, except they have real power. Stay away from Medbay. |
< DISLIKES > CI - I'm not really sure what their long goal plan is, but all they seem to want is chaos. RN Lucien Rylanor - Kind of annoying if I am being honest. Has repeatedly vouched for Shock Therapy. Serpents Hand - Freeing all anomalies is incredibly dangerous and irresponsible. The one guy I met who was a part of them was cool though. |
< NEUTRAL > D-class - These people commit heinous crimes, yet they decide to try to redeem themselves by joining the Foundation. Nobody - What do you say when the complete absence of anything is revealed to you? Perhaps I'll know what to say the next time our paths intertwine, and they will. |
< LIKES > Dove - She is pretty chill, and the antics we get into pass the time. Gondor - Gigarcarnum Delcourti... I think its name is Gondor. I wish I had one of my own. Vincent Lockwell - Partner in crime for a few projects. I trust him and he trusts me. Xi 8 - Super cool magic casters who combat the Sarkics. I'd love for them to teach me Magic, then I can be a super medic. "Moth" - The one in charge of Medbay. She looks like a moth. I wonder if people called her that and she embraced it, or if she changed her appearance after getting her code name. "Oracle" - Second in charge in medbay. He is a good leader and is pretty cool as well. |
< LOVES > Med Branch - My own home. |
Trophies: A 6 sided dice they claim occasionally lands on a 7
Additional Comments: None currently
// I'm thinking about using a different more informative format. Or at least add another relationship area for something like TRUSTED.
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