
// Apologies if any information appears outdated or completely incorrect, I just pulled this format from an old character of mine and may have forgotten to update some things! I'll be adding personal thoughts somewhere in the coming future as well.
// File has been updated! 03/07/25

- Added personnel relations:
  1. Nine Tailed Fox/Research
  2. XI-8
  3. Medical
  5. Site Command
- Fixed a few random bugs that popped up out of nowhere, blame the old formatting!!!
- I also wanted to mention that the personnel relations section *CAN* be taken IC'ly if you have the required clearance to view the file!
// File has been updated! 03/12/25

- Added personnel relations:
  1. Medical

- I was yelled at to add a section for MD, I didn't realise there wasn't one until a few hours ago.
- Personnel relations have been updated for some characters, a personal log will be added at some point here soon.
- Just a reminder that this DCB can be taken completely IC.