Badger's Codename Goldmine (B and C)


Community Advocate
Community Advocate
May 13, 2024
Twin Pines, Alaska
As a wise man once said, let him cook. Numerous codenames I think might be cool. I will withhold the ones I am planning on using, this is only B and C for now to see how it does.

- Barracuda
- Barstow
- Bayonet
- Beaker
- Beaver
- Birdie
- Bloodlust
- Bones
- Bouncer
- Bozo
- Breaker
- Cannibal
- Captain
- Carnage
- Casper
- Cavalier
- Chainsaw
- Cherry
- Chip (sorry, Robin)
- Clown
- Clutch
- Cockroach
- Conquer
- Convict
- Coyote
- Crowbar
- Copper
- Cobra
- Critter