What is your OOC name?
Christian Romanski
What character(s) do you play? Please state the character's names and corresponding ranks, not just the IC positions you hold.
Tyler Romans, NTF SGT.
What is your SteamID (i.e. STEAM:0:0:1203929)?
What is your Discord Name (i.e. grimothy)?
What is your timezone?
Are you 14 years of age or older?
Yes 17.
Your current playtime on the server?
3d 3h 8m
List all of your warns and bans (N/A if none):
What is your availability?
Any day but depends on holidays celebrations, but mostly afternoon's
Staffing Related Section
Why do you want to join the staff team? (200 Words Minimum)
The reason I want to join the staff team is mostly because of a few simple reasons, the main one being that I enjoy the server I play on so much, i joined only a few days ago, but the community and people I've met have given me so much joy and interest in the server that I can't help but coming back for more, it is one of the servers I see being a part of in the long run, and I wanna help it thrive however I can, whether that be through staffing and or assisting the community, and after meeting other staff members and players such as Dior, and amnesia, my conviction for this has only been more reinforced as I speak with them, and hear their stories on this server, and the roleplays and enjoyment they've experienced and I wanna help them further their enjoyment by ensuring nothing can ruin that, such as when I made a report and Anvil helped me get it done with quickly and efficiently which is the beginning of me wanting to fully join the team, as i admired how he had finished the sit, and i wanted to help do that as well, and help others have the same experience as me
Why should we accept you into the staff team?
I'm a hard worker, I'm kind and love to learn things i haven't yet, not to mention i love this community and wanna help it thrive as i have been here for a short while but i am in love with this community and its people, as it has felt so welcoming.
What staffing experience do you currently have?
On an old Undertale roleplay server i was a admin on there until it reset everyone's ranks and it shutdown.
Rule-based Questions Section
Define RDM:
Killing someone without reason, this is called random death match and ruins experiences for others
EX: A kills B because B is talking in a way that A doesn't like
Define Metagame:
Using info that was not obtained in character, to gain an advantage and or knowledge in character
EX: A uses info from the SCP wiki to gain knowledge about an SCP IC without having ever gained that said knowledge
Define NLR:
NLR stands for new life rule, which means after death you have to forget anything related to that death, and wait in there bunks for a certain time period of ## seconds
Define FailRP:
Fail roleplay is whenever you do something outside of the proper roleplay spectrum IE trolling, or not following orders from a commanding officer or not abiding by your job description
EX: A is roleplaying with others, and B is minging and ruining the roleplay experience by doing unrealistic things.
Situation-based Questions Section
Communication Section
Do you have a mic?
Do you have TeamSpeak3?
Do you have a Discord Account?
Will you be able to attend the weekly staff meetings?
(Staff meetings will be held weekly on Saturday at 3:30 PM EST).
Yes, If my work schedule doesn't overlap as the schedule changes
Do you understand that your Steam name will be required to be changed to [ZP] (name) [TM]??
Christian Romanski
What character(s) do you play? Please state the character's names and corresponding ranks, not just the IC positions you hold.
Tyler Romans, NTF SGT.
What is your SteamID (i.e. STEAM:0:0:1203929)?
What is your Discord Name (i.e. grimothy)?
What is your timezone?
Are you 14 years of age or older?
Yes 17.
Your current playtime on the server?
3d 3h 8m
List all of your warns and bans (N/A if none):
What is your availability?
Any day but depends on holidays celebrations, but mostly afternoon's
Staffing Related Section
Why do you want to join the staff team? (200 Words Minimum)
The reason I want to join the staff team is mostly because of a few simple reasons, the main one being that I enjoy the server I play on so much, i joined only a few days ago, but the community and people I've met have given me so much joy and interest in the server that I can't help but coming back for more, it is one of the servers I see being a part of in the long run, and I wanna help it thrive however I can, whether that be through staffing and or assisting the community, and after meeting other staff members and players such as Dior, and amnesia, my conviction for this has only been more reinforced as I speak with them, and hear their stories on this server, and the roleplays and enjoyment they've experienced and I wanna help them further their enjoyment by ensuring nothing can ruin that, such as when I made a report and Anvil helped me get it done with quickly and efficiently which is the beginning of me wanting to fully join the team, as i admired how he had finished the sit, and i wanted to help do that as well, and help others have the same experience as me
Why should we accept you into the staff team?
I'm a hard worker, I'm kind and love to learn things i haven't yet, not to mention i love this community and wanna help it thrive as i have been here for a short while but i am in love with this community and its people, as it has felt so welcoming.
What staffing experience do you currently have?
On an old Undertale roleplay server i was a admin on there until it reset everyone's ranks and it shutdown.
Rule-based Questions Section
Define RDM:
Killing someone without reason, this is called random death match and ruins experiences for others
EX: A kills B because B is talking in a way that A doesn't like
Define Metagame:
Using info that was not obtained in character, to gain an advantage and or knowledge in character
EX: A uses info from the SCP wiki to gain knowledge about an SCP IC without having ever gained that said knowledge
Define NLR:
NLR stands for new life rule, which means after death you have to forget anything related to that death, and wait in there bunks for a certain time period of ## seconds
Define FailRP:
Fail roleplay is whenever you do something outside of the proper roleplay spectrum IE trolling, or not following orders from a commanding officer or not abiding by your job description
EX: A is roleplaying with others, and B is minging and ruining the roleplay experience by doing unrealistic things.
Situation-based Questions Section
Player “X” reports player “Y” for RDM, the logs show that player “Y” did kill player “X”, both players are GenSec trainees. Player “X” states that there was no reason for him to be killed, player “Y” states that they were in an argument, player “X” made a nasty remark and player “Y” killed him for it. Neither party has a recording of the interaction, and no witnesses have come forward with any more information, what would you do? This one is a little difficult do to the nature about what is being told, but based off of the logs themselves, we would have to warn "Y "for RDM , i would explain to them why they got the warning, which is because even if someone insults you, you cannot kill them as it IS against the rules, and as there is no recording or witness i have to go with the logs. |
Player “A” reports player “B” for saying a racial slur, player “A” is uploading evidence, but it is taking a few moments. During this time, player “B” admits he used the slang term towards another player on the server. After receiving the video, you notice that player “B” in fact did say in it a greeting manor and not a confrontational manner. How would you handle this sit? i would warn B for saying the slur, as it is unacceptable no matter what the context, due to racial slurs being typically associated with hate speech then i would explain to “B” that while he said it in a greeting manor, it is not allowed on the server and he should think about his words carefully and how they could affect other people and would give them the knowledge to do better in the future |
Communication Section
Do you have a mic?
Do you have TeamSpeak3?
Do you have a Discord Account?
Will you be able to attend the weekly staff meetings?
(Staff meetings will be held weekly on Saturday at 3:30 PM EST).
Yes, If my work schedule doesn't overlap as the schedule changes
Do you understand that your Steam name will be required to be changed to [ZP] (name) [TM]??