Uncontained Anomaly: Bird


Infrastructure Manager
Infrastructure Manager
May 4, 2024

Investigated by Dr. Tavel Teall and Dr. Apollo Flynn




Personnel Involved: Dr. Tavel Teall, Dr. Apollo Flynn, MD Garry Stew, other assorted NTF and Medics

Physical Description: The anomaly, (hereby referred to as "The Bird" as it was called by Foundation employees during the incident,) is a human-sized featherless biped colored black with several red spots. It has 2 bird-like claws per foot and has arms about the length of a human's. The Bird has a long neck with what appeared to be a flamingo-like head shape and a short, curved black beak. The Bird also can make itself invisible to the human eye which it often does when looked at.
Interaction Log: Interaction with the Bird began for Research when the creature appeared just outside of the window looking into the Research Bay Bunks, which Dr. Teall and Dr. Flynn. The Bird was heard making a clicking noise which one researcher noticed sounded like Morse Code for the letter "U," though this was very likely coincidence. Dr. Flynn reported the presence of the Bird in Foundation communications to which several members of several branches. The Bird vanished and was chased around the facility for several minutes by Foundation employees.

It was decided that given the Bird's abilities, we would try to summon it to a room in which we could contain it using a ritual. We used the fire chamber as a holding room to this effect. In said room was put a Class-D as a lure for the Bird and we began chanting as to summon the creature. Someone, though it is not known who, (it is believed that it may have been the anomaly's electronic influence) activated the fire which was never intended to be turned on and killed the Class-D and left the Bird unharmed. The Bird initially stayed in but the door was opened by an unknown individual and the Bird escaped.

In the final encounter, we had MD Garry Stew with us along with several others. We were again attempting the same strategy with a Class-D in the room as bait. We, this time, held the Class-D in the room and began chanting the Akkadian word "𒊭𒊏𒀝𒌝" at which time the Bird once more appeared. It stood for some time before the door to the incinerator before turning about and attacking MD Garry Stew, by which he was greatly wounded. During these times, a reality anchor did not function against the Bird and neither did any physical attack. A raid began against the Foundation by the CI and the Bird disappeared and did not reappear.

Possible Special Containment Procedures: The Bird was plainly effected by the summoning with the word "𒊭𒊏𒀝𒌝" and is apparently unable to go through solid objects. Based on our observations of its actions, we have concluded several methods that may serve to contain the creature.

1) A ritualistic protective circle. Just before the raid, this idea was proposed and was to be tried but could not. Based on the effect of the summoning ritual, it is reasonable that this would work.

2) Feeding in a locked room. The Bird's actions towards the Class-D indicated that it may have wanted to eat it. This is backed up by how the Bird acted over the corpse of the first Class-D burned by an unknown actor. This shows that it may be able to be contained by simple feeding to curb its aggression.
3) The cold. Given the lack of effect by the fire, it was proposed that the Bird may have a sensitivity to a lack of heat. If the other options fail, this may be worth looking in to.

Anomalous Abilities & Traits: The Bird had several distinct abilities which were the following:
1) Invisibility. The Bird managed to make itself invisible to the human eye several times.
2) Speed. The Bird was able to run faster than reasonably possible for a creature such as it.
3) Woozy effect. The Bird was able to inflict some sort of temporary nausea on some of those who saw it.
4) Electronic interference. The Bird was able to cause doors to go on the fritz across the room.

Possible SCP Item # Designation & Classification: SCP-2918 "The Bird," Euclid, Level 2

Images / Videos:


Additional Comments If Needed: Due to the nature of the anomaly, not many images could be taken.


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