The Neurological study of the Anamalous and applicative uses for Amnestics in containment


Infrastructure Manager
Infrastructure Manager
May 4, 2024
Understanding the Neurology of 049

Conducted by Dr. Trent Deangelo

[Project pending permanent clearance by H.O.R]



Test Idea: Have 049 identify a subject with pestilence and take fMRI scans of 049's brain to gauge which parts of the brain activate. Then introduce specially programmed class C amnestics to erase the memory engrams pertaining to the specific personnel who 049 reports to have the pestilence. Then use the results to do further tests in order to hopefully create containment measures for 049 and generally understand the doctor better.

Hypothesis: If you had a chamber--provided in this case by using a sealed mask specifically fitted to 049's beak--with enough of a seal around 049's beak you could administer an aerosolized version of class C amnestics. In theory, if said Class C amnestics were mapped to delete certain memory engrams, identified with an advanced fMRI machine, we could make him forget that someone has the pestilence. This in theory could be used to protect certain members of site staff, help us ensure 049 doesn't remember any pesky unwanted information, and also would indicate that 049's view of who had the pestilence is either based on each interaction you have with him, or--in a malicious framing--049 chooses who does and doesn't have the pestilence.

Personnel / Equipment Involved: Basically the entirety of NTF (there was an object in temp CCs that was possessing and killing then reviving people and since we were nearby most every NTF checked in at least once), GenSec SV Jack Thatcher (Subject with Pestilence), GenSec ERT John Marshall (Guarding)
  1. fMRI machine fitted to also double as a Class-C administering device imaged here
  2. One Lead Jacket fitted for 049

The fMRI Machine: The outset of the project was neigh an impossible feat due to the nature of Class-C amnestics. Class-C amnestics are chiefly found in a liquid form that is injected into a subject's internal carotid arteries (pictured here), at the highest part an operator can put it in without hitting the skull or the external carotid artery. This is because the substance itself which we class Class-C amnestics is a very volatile chemical made even more so by it's quick deterioration and conversion to [REDACTED] shortly after coming into contact with white blood cells. So its introduction into the circulatory system of the subject is needed to be done in a place that feeds blood quickly into the brain: the Internal Carotid arteries. It would likely not be impossible to somehow get Class-C into 049's system as a liquid (contact me if you want to hear about the Class-C eye contacts, and Class-C ear drops that I theorized) but all my simulations leave a high degree of danger for both operator and subject if implemented inappropriately. So I implemented another much simpler approach, at exactly [REDACTED] degrees Celsius Class-C turns into a toxic gas that when instantly introduced to air quickly begins to revert back into its liquid form in a process that lasts about three seconds. Anytime within these three seconds if the gas is inhaled then it's predicted that any subject would become at the least brain dead, but at the end of the process, the liquid leftover is functional and still programmed Class-C. So to stop these effects from setting in a special machine that wraps these particles in a .4 nm thin dissolvable in blood plastic composite. This process when applied to a D-Class proved to be effective in trials. The fMRI machine was a mostly normal fMRI machine other than additions to accommodate the amnestic administering machine.

The Test: 049 was brought into HCZ Temp CCs where the fMRI machine had already been set up and loaded with Class-C amnestics. He was instructed to identify anyone in the chamber who had the pestilence wherein he picked out Jack Thatcher. I then had 049 lay down in the fMRI machine and put him inside it wherein a built-in screen showed him a feed. The fMRI did its process of mapping 049's brain while a test was run and some things of note were found. (Refer here for reference to terminology) Using BOLD screening three minutes of imaging were taken with a Jittered Event-Related design format for the fMRI test wherein several different events were shown. The first event was a video feed of someone in the chamber that 049 had identified as not having the pestilence acting as the first control, the second event was a live feed of Jack, the Third Event was a slow sweep up from the feet to the head of the control member, the Fourth Event was the same movement but on Thatcher, The Fifth Event was a shot of the control subjects head, and The Sixth was the same angel on Thatcher. The resulting scans indicate that the Pituitary Gland and the Thalamus saw significant increases in activity on each event which included Jack Thatcher. Scans for the pituitary gland can be seen (here and here) with the first being a comparison between the control events activation (left) and the Jack events activation (right) and the second being a graph of the various changes that occurred throughout the showing of each event in oxygenized hemoglobin levels in the pituitary gland. Scans for the Thalamus can be found (here) in the top two rows of scans are the Jack events with the bottom two rows being the control events. Refer to additional comments for more commentary. At the completion of the first fMRI test, 049 was administered a dose of Class-C and then was asked to identify whether or not Jack had the pestilence which 049 reported was a negative. The same fMRI test was then re-administered to 049 with no significant difference in the comparison between the control events and the Jack events. If the results as analyzed by the fMRI and 049's self-report are to be believed then using Class-C 049 can actually forget that someone has the pestilence!

Additional Comments If Needed: The possibility of 049 possibly maliciously choosing who he reports having the pestilence by test results seems to be incorrect. The increase in activity within the Thalamus indicates that 049 was extremely stressed out when viewing Thatcher. This points to 049 being extremely stressed and focused when viewing a subject with the pestilence and thus means he is likely sincere in his urge to "cure" them. In addition, the administering of Class-C amnestics to stop the knowledge of someone having the pestilence is also most definitely not a long-term solution, especially if--as this tests, and previous incidences shows--he can change his mind, and the application of this knowledge will be highly situation specific. If anyone has anymore questions about the results of this test please contact me here.


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