SCP-049 Background Interview
Conducted by Dr. Dave Hoffman
Test Idea:
SCP-049 tells us about some old careers or family members so that we can look into those careers/people, also if he had any older experiments he had on his subjects that could give us some clue to his pestilence.
Personnel / Equipment Involved:
3 NTF, 1 D-Class, & Dr. Dave Hoffman.
Dr. Hoffman: "So Doctor, did you have any other professions or education before you became a doctor?"
Doctor: "I had some work in research field, science, bio engineering, morgue work."
Dr. Hoffman: "Morgue work?"
Doctor: "I dealt with corpses what would be brought in and examine them for disease."
Dr. Hoffman: "I see. Well another question, did you have any siblings?"
Doctor: "We do not speak of my family. Next Question."
Dr. Hoffman: "Sorry, did not mean to be rude. Next question, what made you decide you'd become a doctor?"
Doctor: "My will to cure humanity of this pestilence."
Dr. Hoffman: "Ok like always yeah? Heh heh. Anyways next question , what kind of experiments did you have in the past? Like was there anything unique about them in the past?"
Doctor: "The same experiments that I ran today, but I do tend to use animal parts back then to replace my cured suspects."
Dr. Hoffman: "Replace?"
Doctor: "I replaced the bones of my subjects with animal bones and muscles, which made them faster and stronger."
Dr. Hoffman: "I see... Well I don't think I have any other questions left. Do you have any questions Doctor?"
Doctor: "When can I got to the blood drive in med bay? I never asked for a subject to work on, I asked to walk around after all."
Dr. Hoffman: "I'll check in to see if you can go to the blood drive Doctor. But I do have a subject for you."
Doctor: "Right."
We let the Doctor take the D-Class.
He proceeds to rip out his organs and replace them.
SCP-049-2 was killed by NTF.
Images / Videos (Encouraged But Optional):
Recording Software Malfunctioned.
Additional Comments If Needed:
This would be Dr. Dave Hoffman's first ever test!
Both a NTF & GENSEC shot SCP-049, unsure of their names.
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