Project Doggo: 939 Tame Test


Infrastructure Manager
Infrastructure Manager
May 4, 2024

Project Doggo Test #1 "939 Tame Test"
Conducted by Dr. Christopher Monikomo



Test Idea: To start a long series of tests towards "taming" SCP-939 to the point they behave similar to caged wolves in the likes of a sanctuary or zoo. This being done by calling to them, feeding them as a reward from the catwalk. Rinse and repeat a few times for them to recognize the voice and then step down to interact face to face.

Hypothesis: The 939s will respond well to the cat walk voice. Expecting food each time the voice calls. However when a D-Class comes down to actually handle the 939s they will get eaten.

Personnel / Equipment Involved: NTF SSGT Dex, NTF Private Vax, NU-7 PFC Thomas, two GENSEC guards and two D-Class personnel.

Results: On the way there one of the D-Class decided that it would be funny to throw themselves into the acid pit in HCZ. Not deterred however we continued onwards. I would start by calling for the 939 and then rewarding them with meat. Rinse and repeat on the two cat walks. I would then have the d-class do it so they get acquainted with his voice and the same reward. After a few more rounds of this, I then sent the D-Class down into the actual CC. Supplied with a stun baton to punish bad behavior and prime rib to reward good behavior he first started with feeding from his hand. They didn't bite him but did lick and sniff him. The 939s then were tasked with sitting, which they performed with another reward. They then played fetch with the turned off stun baton, bringing it back to him twice for a reward for both of the 939s. Getting rushed by some random Liaison named Jupiter I had him feed the 939s once more, before one of the 939s would hand him a water bottle they found and they drank from it. Then we had the guards shoot to keep their attention as we retrieved the D-Class.

Conclusion: I am actually quite shocked at the 939 behaving like canine, opting to listen for a reward and only show slight signs of aggression towards the giver. I will continue to escalate the trainings to full scale to see if we can get them doing normal canine actions without having to get prime rib every time. This will probably be done through the use of punishment.

Additional Comments If Needed: Further testing needed though.