Matthew David Ellis - NU-7 Hammerdown


May 28, 2024
// Hi guys, I spent a lot of time on this DCB and wanted to outdo myself on this one. Let me know thoughts!

A dossier sits on the IA receptionist desk, of course after his next visit for being an asshole (or a report, likely the first). On the front? It says 'Matthew Ellis'. Hammerdown.

You're in the lobby. Hell, you don't have much to do, what's Cypress gonna care if you swipe it and have a little read at a random guys personal life? What they don't know can't hurt 'em.

You open up the file, cross your leg over your knee, and relax. You're gonna be here a while...
// Fixed the link.

// Fixed Cypress's name (yes, it's supposed to be green)
// Fixed the journal hyperlink

// Organized a little bit more

// Added a new redacted bar to both his appearance photo and his wifes.