Doctor house scp-049 application

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Doctor house

New member
Feb 18, 2025
What character(s) do you play?
Warden, gensec heavy, nu-7 marksman, medic, chaos
What is your SteamID? (i.e.: STEAM_0:0:115561971)
What is your Discord username and Identifier? (i.e.: Innocent Traitor#3992)
Seven.3128 id:794615601728978977
What is your current playtime on the server?
Three day's
Do you have any warnings or bans?
Have you ever been previously removed or blacklisted from this job?

SCP-Related Questions
Which SCP are you applying for?:
In your own words, describe this SCP. (100 words minimum):
Scp 049 is a humanoid scp that assumes the figure of a 18th century plague doctor further test's showed that the clothing on the plague doctor are infact a part of it the mask being parts of it's bones The plague doctor. "Cures" Something they call the pestilence which we still are not known of what it is the plague doctor as the ability to kill anything it touches by it hands by giving the living being it touches. A heart attack almost killing it instantly it also has the ability to resurect the dead and have it become apart of his minions.

What object class is this SCP?:euclid

How is the SCP maintained?:
Scp 049 is kept in a cell block and adminstered test subjects to adminster his cure He can ask for minimal things such as walks but not much more when within area of foundation staff they are REQUIRED to wear gloves and be gaurded at all times

How does this SCP breach? What are their procedures?:
Scp-049 will breach if not adminstered a subject in a required time frame for the first five minutes of said breach he will not target anyone but will infect the first person he see's beforehand

How does this SCP be recontained?
Scp-049 is to be shot tazed or restrained in order to take him down after that you must give him gloves while restrained and escort him back to his holding block

Can this SCP be terminated? If yes, how so?
Scp-049 can be killed but it is not allowed

In order of true or false, state the following that applies to this SCP. Does it fear for its life? Can it open doors? Can it breach other SCPs? Can it enter D-Block?:
(Example, true, true, false, false)

Guideline-Related Questions
What is a roll? Give an example:
/roll is a command used for roleplaying circumstances that gives out a number to a certain action such as: "I'd search the dclass for contraband" /roll 60
What is a /me? Give an example:
/me is used to describe a action used in roleplay
What is FailRP? Give an example:
Failrp is usually breaking roleplay rules or doing something outside the bounds of possible such as "I'd dodge the bullet catch it throw it to your head and kill you"
What is FearRP? Give an example:
FearRP is when your character fears for their life such as "I'd point a gun to your head" And you'd have to listen what they have to say as you do not want to die when you aren't fighting back
Do you understand that as an SCP, you should focus on roleplay first and foremost and NOT solely on fragging/killing?: [Y/N]
Do you promise to act in good faith wherever applicable?: [Y/N]
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049 cannot be tazed
Make a ticket via !ticket in game to get your WL
DM Ifunnyyoshi on discord for any questions
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