Cassidy Woods Surgery Log


Event Coordinator
Event Coordinator
Oct 3, 2024
Name and rank of Surgeon and attending surgeon: JR "Harrow", JR Victor
Patient: CN Cassidy Woods
Pre-amble: CN Cassidy Woods had their foot (specifically trough the metatarsals) nearly severed due to a forklift (?), requiring extensive surgery.
Surgery: Surgery was performed and the foot was successfully re-attached, including blood-vessels to promote successful re-attatchment.
Post surgery: on bed rest for atleast a day, suggested the use of crutches. Keep a close eye on the foot for any sign of infection or gangrene, massages and hot baths are recommended to promote blood-flow to the affected foot.
Note: Might require physical therapy to promote the use and feeling of the affected foot and toes where the severed part is.