682 Termination Attempt


Infrastructure Manager
Infrastructure Manager
May 4, 2024

682 Termination Attempt

Conducted by Dr. Yui Me




Item #: 1st attempt

Termination Method: Dumping of 106 acid on him and 50m volts shocked into him

Reason for Termination Attempt (Optional): Because 682 needs to die in order for a peaceful site without a ravenous lizard.

Personnel / Equipment Involved: 7 NTF, 3 Gensec, 1 Research Overseer (Remarkable), 10 d class, 10 bomb collars, 10 mp5s, 5 large tesla coils, 5 gallons of 106 acid, Insulating oil, SCP-682,

Results: After debriefing the dclass and letting them know full cooperation is needed for the test, they all were told they will be released if they cooperate. After informing D class they will receive guns and prepare in a firing line, we strapped them up with bomb collars and each personnel took 1-2 d classes. Once we arrived at 682s CC we put D class inside reminded them of their objective and that they will get in a firing line, we got into formation in an event of a termination failure. We released 682 and dumped 106s acid on him and then began to strike 682 with 50m volts and D class rained hell fire on 682. It should be noted 682 had shrunk to a size we never knew he could shrink to. Unfortunately the tesla coils ran out of power and shortly 682 didn't die but began to rampage on the d class in such a fury it was incredible on his speed. We announced the failure and retreated, the D class had their bomb collars blow up due to the issue of 682 being stuck from angry to being too small to fight, we knew there was no way to recontain 682 without the death of D class, so we took the quickest route by exploding them. SCP-682 had been recontained after being lit up by the firing squad and shortly stabbed many times by able.

Images / Videos (Encouraged But Optional): N/A (my computer recording would look horrible with the FPS I get during these types of tests)

Additional Comments If Needed: SCP-682 has become immune to 106s acid...


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