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  1. Ruriko Oki

    "Backup" DCB

    [File Visibility Updated]
  2. Ruriko Oki

    Talongrove's File

    File Updated: Journal entry added | Family section updated (Location updated)
  3. Ruriko Oki

    "Backup" DCB

    [File Upload Detected] [Initiating File Redactions] [File Redaction Complete] [Redacted File Clearance Adjusted to Level 3] [Changing File Visibility To Visible] [ACCESS]
  4. Ruriko Oki


  5. Ruriko Oki

    Talongrove's File

    Small File Update: Journal entry added | New Addendum added due to recent observations
  6. Ruriko Oki

    CI DCB: Ibrahim "Chaplain" Zubiya Mahmoud Al-Gheriani

    This format is fucking sick, holy shit.
  7. Ruriko Oki

    Talongrove's File

    File Updated: Journal entry added | [Error: Data recovery initiated. Logging edit] PDA Updated: Relations adjusted. | Data sorted
  8. Ruriko Oki

    How to utilise roleplay commands and some useful things to know

    Wanna see something cool? You may have seen some people on the server doing some roleplay. (What nerds am I right?) But let's say you want to give it a shot! First things first, what is Roleplay in a general sense? Roleplay can be any action you do, big or small. It can range from a large...
  9. Ruriko Oki

    How to publish your google slides!

    Wanna see something cool? I've seen far too many people simply go into their google slides and share the nonpublished version which allows people to see the sidebar of all your slides. So here's how you do it! First things first. Go into your share options and find "Publish to Web" Next...
  10. Ruriko Oki

    Talongrove's File

    File Updated: Added Journal. Personal Note: Updated PDA
  11. Ruriko Oki

    Talongrove's File

    // Big update! I wanted to test myself with google slides so I tried some things with it. Head to the PDA section to see it! Many new relations (112 slides. Woh)
  12. Ruriko Oki

    Taylor Bell | Site-320 transfer

    A bundle of curiosity, a walking nightmare, an overly eager researcher. Taylor was called many things. Though none of that mattered at this moment for he had been given a chance. A site with many of dangerous yet talkative anomalies for him to discuss. Was this a chance to get him out of their...
  13. Ruriko Oki

    D-Class Files: 707X

    Good evening General Security of Site-66. A new group of D-Class has been placed in your custody for you to use. Their following files have been logged with their numbers. These new D-class still hold ties to one another as they seem to recognise one another. Keep an eye on them and their...
  14. Ruriko Oki

    Talongrove's File

    // Holy moly have I been bored this week Various Journal Updates detected. | Passcode added to journals.
  15. Ruriko Oki

    PT Personnel File

    // P.S. Sorry this is so late! I forgot to post it lol
  16. Ruriko Oki

    PT Personnel File

    A mysterious file is added to the Foundation's database. It appears that it is unlocked so that anyone may edit it. Would you like to open it? Access File // See the important section on her file!
  17. Ruriko Oki

    Talongrove's File

    Updates. // If you wish to be on relations feel free to give me a pm or something.
  18. Ruriko Oki

    Talongrove's File

    Alpha file updated: Promotion to Major and minor adjustments with journals and gear Bravo file has been removed.