Search results

  1. Shadow

    Staff Application

    Staff Application What is your OOC name? Shadow What character(s) do you play? CI, NTF, MD, {use to be class D}, Gensec What is your SteamID (i.e. STEAM:0:0:1203929)? STEAM_0:0:138884380 What is your Discord Name (i.e. grimothy)? Shadow. . . {Rioting_shadow} What is your timezone? MST...
  2. Shadow

    CI JOB Application

    What is the purpose of the Chaos Insurgency? To infiltrate the foundation and secure SCP entities, as well as free d-class. . . but at most. . . to create some fuckin Chaos! What skills can you bring to CI? Marksmen ship, trigger discipline, good knowledge on medical, good with most aspects a...