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  1. Gumbo!

    Gumbo's New Tag

    Name: Gumbo! SteamID: STEAM_0:1:458264492 Current Chat Tag Requested Chat Tag: 🙏Pacifist 🙏 Requested Chat Tag Color(s): Pink {pink}
  2. Gumbo!

    XI-8 Operative "Witch"

    Opening Folder - XI-8 "Last to Fall" Operatives Opening Subfolder - KIA Operatives Opening File : "Witch" ... File Opened! Opening Scanned Journal Pages ... Opened! [Original posts statistics Posted February 18th 2023, the day the forums opened and was one of the first Foundation DCBs 1,200...
  3. Gumbo!


    Within Ignis' office, amidst the other files and paperwork, lies a newer document about one of his operatives, only freshly inked and written. The side tab has the name "SOMNIA" written on it. [You pick it up, and open it] [You close the drawer, and walk away]