Search results

  1. Harper

    'Amnesia' DCB | 1/14/2025

    // This is an updated DCB for something recent that happened with the character. Anybody L3+ can view the first half IC, only L5 can view the last half IC. > [ SCP Database ] <
  2. Harper

    Chat Tag Update

    THEY TOOK MY EMOJIS!!!!!!!! Name: Harper SteamID: STEAM_0:0:109420159 Current Chat Tag: :waaah: Woman :waaah: Requested Chat Tag: Woman Requested Chat Tag Color(s): Rainbow!!!!!!
  3. Harper

    E-11 XO 'Amnesia' DCB | 2/24/2025

    // Only viewable by L5 > [ SCP Database ] <
  4. Harper

    EC Application - 7/2/24

    Event Coordinator Application What is your name? Harper Amaryillis What character(s) do you play? NTF FS 'Amnesia' Medical MT Chloe Clayton CI LCPL Sarah Johnson What is your SteamID? 32 bit: STEAM_0:0:109420159 64 bit: 76561198179106046 What is your time zone? PST Are you 14 years...
  5. Harper

    chat tag!

    Name: Harper Amaryillis SteamID: STEAM_0:0:109420159 Requested Chat Tag: :waaah: Woman :waaah: Requested Chat Tag Color(s): Rainbow! Proof of Purchase:
  6. Harper

    I wanna be a rat

    What character(s) do you play? Maya Amaryillis NTF CFO Sarah Johnson CI Medic Lance Corporal What is your SteamID? (i.e.: STEAM_0:0:115561971) STEAM_0:0:109420159 What is your Discord username and Identifier? (i.e.: Innocent Traitor#3992) harperamaryillis What is your current playtime on the...