Search results

  1. ChickenGloop

    Chicken's EC Application

    Event Coordinator Application What is your name? ChickenGloop What character(s) do you play? Detective 'Gloup' TIU Please link your character DCB [REQUIRED] What is your SteamID? STEAM_0:0:498461484 What is your timezone? Central...
  2. ChickenGloop

  3. ChickenGloop

    Chicken's Awesome 267 Application

    What character(s) do you play? Nu7 Marksman John 'Gloop' and CI PVT John 'Gloop' What is your SteamID? STEAM_0:0:498461484 What is your Discord username and Identifier? ChickenGloop (#6992) What is your current playtime on the server? Six Hours and Thirty Eight minutes. Do you have any...