HOS 'Bluenose'


New member
May 16, 2024
'Bluenose' unnerves me. Over a long enough timeline everything hits terminal fatigue: both mentally and physically. This guy's hit both. A warped barrel, a double-fed cartridge stuck in the rifle of a dead mercenary. Just look at his eyes - no time left on the clock.

Shock and awe, dehumanization, agitation, anything in the doctrine that is permitted has already been or will be used by our very own army of one. You should have seen him when he raided the Commanders personal armory. Me? I wish I called in sick.

A soldier of fortune that once fought for the highest bidder. Luckily for us we got to him first. Though it's odd that he has stuck around this long.

We haven't renewed his personal contract in quite sometime. Perhaps whatever happens up on surface is payment enough.

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Small Update!
+Added new Dossiers!
+Updated Existing Dossiers

- Working on E-11 Dossiers (Everyone is dead)
-Working on XI-8 Dossiers
+ Added More Dossiers to XI-8, NTF, Medical, N7 and SC
+ Updated existing dossiers standing and reputation

-Working on more Medical, GENSEC, NTF, and N7 Dossiers
This is the coolest I have witnessed
Spring cleaning update!

-Updated many DCB Dossiers
-Removed Deceased Foundation Members (121 slides - around 50)

> Exceptions are made for special people.
- Working/Updating other dossiers