Recent content by Shadow

  1. Shadow

    Vibin hopin for staff position

    Vibin hopin for staff position
  2. Shadow

    Staff Application

    Staff Application What is your OOC name? Shadow What character(s) do you play? CI, NTF, MD, {use to be class D}, Gensec What is your SteamID (i.e. STEAM:0:0:1203929)? STEAM_0:0:138884380 What is your Discord Name (i.e. grimothy)? Shadow. . . {Rioting_shadow} What is your timezone? MST...
  3. Shadow

    CI JOB Application

    gonna request to have a slight name change due to the story and RP of "Kingsmen. . . The King Of D-Block Kingdom"
  4. Shadow

    CI JOB Application

    ima be honest. . . ive been spaming reload on both forms trying to see if they've been approved lol
  5. Shadow

    CI JOB Application

    What is the purpose of the Chaos Insurgency? To infiltrate the foundation and secure SCP entities, as well as free d-class. . . but at most. . . to create some fuckin Chaos! What skills can you bring to CI? Marksmen ship, trigger discipline, good knowledge on medical, good with most aspects a...