Recent content by Ghosty

  1. Ghosty

    D-6087 Lucy Blaze

    Dclass File uploaded to Site-66's Database Status - Alive
  2. Ghosty

    D-7152 Rosa Geese

    Dclass File uploaded to Site-66's Database Status - Alive
  3. Ghosty

    D-0007 'Golden Geese' - Terminated

    // Her DCB was on the old forums I forgot to reput it here
  4. Ghosty

    D-0007 'Golden Geese' - Terminated

    Dclass File uploaded to Site-66's Database Status - Terminated
  5. Ghosty

    D-1562 'Butter Ghost'

    Dclass File uploaded to Site-66's Database Status - Alive
  6. Ghosty

    My MC Staff Application

    Evening! After reviewing your staff application, we have decided to Accept your Staff application to the minecraft staff team. Message me on Discord or reach out to any other Minecraft Management to get set up! Welcome to the minecraft staff team!
  7. Ghosty

    Internal Affairs Supervisor 'Wisp'

    File Updated: Appearance
  8. Ghosty

    Internal Affairs Supervisor 'Wisp'

    File Updated: Injuries, and Eyes
  9. Ghosty

    Internal Affairs Supervisor 'Wisp'

    // Updated the DCB Mr, Bugsly, it had relations and communications removed
  10. Ghosty


  11. Ghosty

    Ghosty's deathcard

    Name: Ghosty Steam Name: [ZP] Ghosty the Shoe Thief [SEC] Purchaser's Steam Name:[ZP] Ghosty the Shoe Thief [SEC] Steamid: STEAM_0:0:532050295 Imgur Link:
  12. Ghosty

    Internal Affairs Supervisor 'Wisp'

    // I updated it finally to add the Cat Photos Area, the other areas will be updated soon
  13. Ghosty

    I am a Ghost

    Hi my name is Ghosty
  14. Ghosty

    Chaos Operative 'Pawn'

    // Thank you! I worked hard on making all my DCBs!
  15. Ghosty

    Chaos Operative 'Pawn'

    A laptop sat open in bunks, the logging password and username sitting next to it on a sticky note. Will you log into it?