Recent content by gains

  1. gains

    ASD "Druid" [UPDATED 2/21/25]

    Imagine, for a moment, your body plummets from the 18th story of a building. You fall, and you fall, and you fall, and you fall, and you fall, and then you hit the ground unceremoniously. There's this myth that became a pop culture phenomenon known as a "chalk outline"- literally lining the body...
  2. gains

    ASD "Druid" [UPDATED 2/21/25]

    The past two weeks were rough for the newly assigned Assistant Site Director. Alongside his new workload, he was forced to grapple with previously unknown truths of this world and the people around him. Druid was too focused on the Site Director's health, though. He couldn't fail again, and...
  3. gains

    Chicken's EC Application

    Hello. After reviewing your app, we as the EC Team have decided to deny your application for the EC team. If you have any questions or would like individual feedback please message myself (gains.), a VEC+, or the LEC on Discord.
  4. gains

    Spades Wright EC App

    Hello. After reviewing your app, we as the EC Team have decided to deny your application for the EC team. If you have any questions or would like individual feedback please message myself (gains.), a VEC+, or the LEC on Discord.
  5. gains

    ASD "Druid" [UPDATED 2/21/25]

    There are some things that are better left unsaid. // Updated. Not too much added, don't have the drive to do much for DCBs for Druid rn.
  6. gains

    Crow's EC Application #2

    Accepted. Please contact a VEC+ on Discord to get set up.
  7. gains

    ASD "Druid" [UPDATED 2/21/25]

    Druid would be sitting his new office, looking at the plants carefully put up by Jester. He simply thinks to himself: "How the fuck did I get here." // Updated. Just cleaned up some stuff, if you want to be added and we've had decent interactions just message me on discord.
  8. gains

    Oatmeal (Again.)

    Hello. After reviewing your app we as the EC Team have decided to deny your application for the EC team, if you have any questions please message myself (gains.), a VEC+, or The LEC on Discord.
  9. gains

    Rodent Cooler EC Application (Updated)

    Accepted. Please contact a VEC+ on Discord to get set up.
  10. gains

    ASD "Druid" [UPDATED 2/21/25]

    It was a slow month, really. Outside of the entity in his head. And getting closer with the people he trusts. And all of the Sarkic bullshit he puts up with. Druid was getting used to the site. Unfortunately. // Updated. Few new relations.
  11. gains

    'Crow' EC App

    Hello. After reviewing your app we as the EC Team have decided to deny your application for the EC team, if you have any questions please message myself (gains.), a VEC+, or The LEC on Discord.
  12. gains

    ASD "Druid" [UPDATED 2/21/25]

    The failure that Druid experienced the week before with Bluenose? Child's play compared to his newest blunders. Conneley. Judas. Amnesia. Attempts at helping them turned out to all be failures. Every choice he makes, whether or not he thinks it through, all result in failures. Again, and again...
  13. gains

    ASD "Druid" [UPDATED 2/21/25]

  14. gains

    ASD "Druid" [UPDATED 2/21/25]

    Druid failed. There's just nothing else to say on the matter. // Updated. New log added, new flower in the garden, and a file for the lost.
  15. gains

    ASD "Druid" [UPDATED 2/21/25]

    Druid was sleeping in his bunks. He considered just how small his circle of allies truly was- just two, maybe three, people he could consider trustworthy. Friends. Was this because he couldn't make the proper connection between "friend", "ally", and "random person he met"? He doesn't know. But...